Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Quick update

Today is our first excursion. We´re going to the historical downtown district where they will see wonderous things. I´m bringing the camera and will get the pictures up soon. All the kids are in great spirits. They all like the school and are grooving into life here nicely. They continue to get along as a group very well and I´m really pleased.

more later, maybe.

Be Well


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

At the bienvenida and the School

Here are the long awaited first photos. Excuse the contractions. Im working on a spanish keyboard layout and I cant get an apostrophe to come out. Clicking the photos will bring up a bigger version.

The Street the school is. The blue entrance gate is directly to my right. This is an area that used to be very agricultural and is now being developed with modern housing developments. Imagine Ventura County 40 years ago. As will be seen in the following photos, the school is clean and in good repair. Right next door, behind the orange wall in the following photo is a house that would not be out of place on the culver crest.

The entrance

From the entrance gate looking towards the back.

From the middle towards the entrance gate where the above photo was taken.

This is the middle referenced above. On the right is a cafeteria and on the left is a patio area that is used for various purposes such as an arts and crafts room etc.

Looking to the rear from the middle. These are the rooms where our kids are.

This is at the Bienvenida. Lucero, in the center is Rebeccas host mom and the smiler on her right is Carolina her mexican sister.

The site of our bienvenida.
The street where the school is located. Imagine the surprise or shock of our kids when they were brought here. As can be seen from the other photos, while small the school is clean and in good repair.

This crew you know. They are working as a team very well and Im happy to say that the mexican and american kids are mixing well too.
Rebeccas host sister with friends. Ive met over 50 people over the last 6 days.

Rebeccas host dad, Ramon. A great guy and makes a really good Tequila

Addys family. The father was working and didnt come to the bienvenida.

Thats it for now on the photos. I have more in the camera and will probably dump them all to a photo site so I can clear out the camera. Tomorrow were going to the historic downtown district where there are buildings that were built before America was even a country.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


I'm abandoning the facebook page except to maybe announce that theres a new post here. So, three full days in and it´s full steam ahead. I´ve met all the families and they´re a great bunch. Everybody is fully on board and committed to the exchange. All the kids are behaving about as I expected and here, that's a good thing. Surprises are bad. Today was our bienvenida and I was very pleased with our kids. All five of them are bonding as a team and they and all the mexican kids and our kids played together well which doesn´t always happen. Tommorow is our last free day and I won't see any of them but Sandy Ritchie and I will be getting together to hang out, chat and do some planning. I´m going to keep this short and try to get some pictures up.

Big mad props and s kiss to Ruth for acting as a message relay.

Be well my friends and don't worry. These are great kids and they´re doing fine.


Thursday, August 13, 2009

First Pictures

The Kids

Zapopan Archway