Saturday, August 22, 2009


I'm abandoning the facebook page except to maybe announce that theres a new post here. So, three full days in and it´s full steam ahead. I´ve met all the families and they´re a great bunch. Everybody is fully on board and committed to the exchange. All the kids are behaving about as I expected and here, that's a good thing. Surprises are bad. Today was our bienvenida and I was very pleased with our kids. All five of them are bonding as a team and they and all the mexican kids and our kids played together well which doesn´t always happen. Tommorow is our last free day and I won't see any of them but Sandy Ritchie and I will be getting together to hang out, chat and do some planning. I´m going to keep this short and try to get some pictures up.

Big mad props and s kiss to Ruth for acting as a message relay.

Be well my friends and don't worry. These are great kids and they´re doing fine.



  1. Kurt - thanks for the update! Glad all is well and no problem abandoning FB. We did, however, note that your choice of URL for this blog did make us concerned if you really went down to Mexico for some sort of surgery. (not that there's anything wrong with that...) Ruth must be very understanding. But aside from all that, thanks again for your organizing and chaperoning. We all really appreciate it! - best, Dan & Rachel

  2. I don't mind as long as he changes back before he comes home ;)

  3. Yeah, this has been pointed out to me from here as well. If we don´t get pervs following the page, I'll leave well enough alone. Ruth, you could always look at it as a new chapter in a life already rich in experience.
