Wednesday, September 9, 2009

an extra excursion

On tuesday we were invited along with the entire fifth grade class of La Calma for a tour of the Jose Cuervo factory in the town of Tequilla. Here, where tequilla is a national pride and Jalisco is the epicenter of the production, a visit like this is as natural as a field trip to the bread bakery back home. Because we were a school trip, not even the adults were offered a taste. Normally you are offered little medicine cups to see how the product changes as if goes from step to step. The children did get to chew on piece of the agave after it comes out of the oven. Most of them didn´t like it but agreed that it tastes something like a yam. After the tour, we had lunch in the courtyard, took a stroll through the town and came back to school. While we are all fine, most of us are ready to be home. Three days and you´ll see your babies.

If I can borrow an old saw:

"The second happiest day of the exchange is the day we arrive. The most happy day is the day we come home."

You have great children. They are strong, wise and brave and I strongly believe that have gotten out of the trip the things that we all hoped they would get.


That´s all for now. This computer wont take photos so Nicky and I will try to get some up soon.

P.S. Thank the buddha for Nicky. She´s been such a help and our skills compliment each other well. At this point I feel safe in saying we will come home better friends than before. Thanks Dan, for the lending of her strength and smarts.

1 comment:

  1. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
